This program grew from my experience home-schooling my own primary-aged youngsters. I discovered by watching them that, although their letters looked acceptable when finished, they were not forming their letters with the proper strokes. They were wasting a great deal of motion, effort, and time. Proper strokes are important, as they lead to fluency, speed, and ease in handwriting and expression. Children see plenty of examples of well-formed letters every day. What they don窶冲 see is the proper stroke sequence required to achieve the letters. The sequence is typically represented in penmanship books by numbered arrows, but that requires a level of abstraction that not many young children have developed yet. So I created this stack to allow them to see 窶徇ovies窶 of the letters being drawn.
There should be no installation necessary. Easy Writer will run from a CD. Or if you have downloaded it to your hard drive, you can just double-click the Easy Writer icon.
About this manual
This manual was prepared using DocMaker, and is designed to be used online. No index is necessary, as you can find any term you like by selecting Find from the File menu窶破ust like you do in a word processor. Be sure to consult the Table of Contents in the Contents menu for an overview. You may go to any section listed in the table of contents by clicking on it. And naturally, you can select a chapter by name from the Contents menu as well.
The ReadMe that comes with this program tells you everything you need to know about registering. You can use the Register program that comes bundled with this software or you can use the second URL above to go to a web page where you can register securely online. Please register--we窶况e tried to make it easy and painless for you.